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Arden Creek Restoration

Restoration Design, Implementation and Environmental Monitoring

This project was a partnership between Current, the Morrison Creek Streamkeepers, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Species at Risk, Fundy Aqua Services, Pacific Salmon Foundation, and School District 71. The goal of the project was to rehabilitate the lowermost 900 m reach of Arden Creek and the surrounding riparian area to increase and improve existing critical habitat for the endangered Morrison Creek lamprey (Lampetra richardsoni var. marifuga). This project also benefited salmonid species and a broad spectrum of wildlife that use the surrounding riparian area. We worked with the project team to install “wing deflector” structures, riffles, and LWD to improve hydraulic complexity and increase available substrates for lamprey and salmonid spawning. As well, pedestrian pathways were relocated, split rail fencing installed, and riparian restoration of over 4,300 m2 was completed on two school properties adjacent to the creek. Planting was completed by local students – this has had a tangible increase in stewardship of the areas by the school community.


This volunteer-based project was a tremendous success: ongoing monitoring has confirmed the successful utilization of restored areas by spawning Morrison Creek Lamprey – something not observed for over 10 years!


This project was funded by the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and School District 71.


558 England Ave.

Courtenay, BC V9N 2N3


We respectfully acknowledge that Current Environmental is situated on the Unceded Traditional Territory of the K’ómoks First Nation - consisting of the Pentlatch, E’iksan (eye-ick-sun), Sasitla (sa-seet-la), Xa’xe (ha-hey) and Sathloot (sath-loot) peoples - the traditional keepers of this land. We are grateful to work on these lands and waters.

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